It has been a rather dull and drab few months, what with being locked down and pretty much stuck at home.
II has been good to get out and about a little more now that the restrictions have been eased a little. Let us all hope and pray that the Covid vaccinations do their job.
For our own sanity, we need to be able to socialise and catch up with friends and family.
Thankfully, it does also look like spring is truly in the air and we will soon be enjoying some warmer weather, even if it is scattered with bizarre snow showers.
Here's hoping for better days ahead and let's not forget, Covid is still as real today, so please stay safe and follow the social distancing guidelines. This pandemic is not over yet, but let's try to keep it at bay and enjoy some time with family and friends once again.
I know the photos have recently been in short supply, so here are a few shots taken at Cropston Reservoir on 1st April 2021, that I hoped you will enjoy..